$498.50 USD

2 monthly payments

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The Basic CRV Course (Holiday Discount) 2 monthly payment plan

This is the basic level of the Controlled Remote Viewing methodology developed for and used by the U.S. military and now used for business, police work, research, and other civilian applications.  This course gives you the solid foundation which will carry you through to the most advanced and complex real-world applications of this skill. Taught by Lyn Buchanan, viewer and trainer in the U.S. military Controlled Remote Viewing unit. 

What you'll get:

  • Over 160 video lessons detailing each aspect of the method at its simplest level.
  • The manual and handouts used in the classroom course.
  • Weekly webinars to insure personalized time with the instructor.

Practice targets and references to other certified trainers and sources of information are included for your further study and learnin