These courses train you in the methods used by the U.S. military for intelligence gathering purposes.  Now that they are being brought into the civilian arena, they are finding personal as well as corporate, medical, and other uses for the needs of individuals, business, and society.  The training is taught by Lyn Buchanan, viewer and trainer for the U.S. military unit.  The courses presently being offered are (More are being prepared):

Associative Remote Viewing course Basic Level Controlled Remote Viewing

What is Controlled Remote Viewing?

Controlled Remote Viewing is a mental martial art developed at Stanford Research Institute International for the U.S. military.  It develops and uses your natural intuitive ability in a structured manner to allow you to gain intuitive information about things, events, people, and places at any time and any place.  It was used extensively by the U.S. military to provide information useful for bringing home soldiers alive, preventing and resolving battles, predicting foreign leaders' plans and intentions, and gaining valuable information about enemy resources so our soldiers could survive and come home.  Click on the above picture to go to the CRV web page for more information.

Who am I?

My name is Lyn Buchanan.  I was a viewer and trainer in the U.S. military's remote viewing unit for around 8 1/2 years.  After my retirement from the military and the declassification of the military's use of remote viewing in 1995, I started Problems Solutions Innovations, a company offering remote viewing services and training to individuals, agencies, companies, and police departments in the civilian arena.  I also started the "Assigned Witness Program", a service to police departments to provide information for cases where no other witnesses were available.  Please have a look at my home web page:


So, what is this set of courses all about?

This course teaches you the basics of Controlled Remote Viewing, the mental information collection method developed for and used by the U.S. military for almost a quarter century.  The course helps you build a very firm foundation in all the methods and techniques you will use in the higher stages of work in this field.  It covers the theories, practices, methods, and techniques that are used throughout the Controlled Remote Viewing process. Like any martial art, this course takes you through your first three "belts" - but not to "black belt" status.  This is a serious course that provides the necessary and firm foundation and prepares you for the higher-level abilities that are to come - and that will require you to have the firm foundation on which they are based.


Each course has videos that are an average of around 8 minutes long.  Each video is named for the single aspect that it addresses.  That way, if you want to look up and review something, you don't have to wade through long videos to find it. For the longer courses we will have face-to-face time each week over the internet to answer questions, go through the work you've done, and provide additional information.  



These courses progress slowly, giving you mastery over each aspect, then building new skills on what you have already learned.  People who have never had a "psychic experience" in their lives have found that gaining control over their natural intuitive abilities has allowed them to improve their own lives, and to help others, work with companies, agencies, police departments, etc. to improve the human situation, as well as developing their other mental skills far beyond what they ever thought possible.

Our dedication to the field and to you.

The courses presented here are the results of years of research, trial and error in actual, real-world work for the military, police, businesses, and personal applications. More than 50 years of experience has honed these methodologies into their most effective states. The field is still growing and Problems Solutions Innovations, as well as the methods and training will continue to grow with it - through continued research and development.



Frequently Asked Questions

Click the arrow to the left of a question to see the answer.

Membership gives you permanent access to the training material and to the weekly face-to-face webinars.  It also includes membership in the CRV email list, private email consultations, reviews of your work,  and introduction to and cooperation with the growing CRV community.  We also introduce you to the other certified trainers and project managers who also provide guidance for your further studies and work.


As long as I'm alive and keeping this training going, you will have access to it.

The lessons in our courses are kept to around 8 minutes in length, each one on a single aspect of the viewing methodology and practice.  That way, when you want to come back and review, you don't have to wade through hour-long videos to find what you want.  The number of lessons, the Q&A matrial, the webinar recordings, etc. grow as we progress.  At the time of this writing, the ARV course has 26 lessons and the CRV Basic course has over 160.  

It really depends what you want to do with your ability.  CRV and ARV are different skill sets for different purposes.

CRV is the overall skill for the acquisition of information about anything in all of space and time. It was developed for intelligence collection, but now, in the civilian arena, it is used for things like personal life decisions, police work, business decisions, medical diagnosis, finding/locating things, prediction, etc.

ARV, on the other hand, is used for the prediction of the outcome of any event which has a limited number of possible outcomes:  Things like stock investing (value will rise/fall/stay level), betting on games (which team will win), the lottery (which numbers will come up), who will win an election, will the baby be male/female, which (thing/option/partner/course of action/etc) will I wind up being happiest with, etc. etc. etc.

OK. I'm interested. Tell me more about

The Associative Remote Viewing Course
The Controlled Remote Viewing Courses

50% Complete

Two Step

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