The remote viewing methodology that was created by Ingo Swann, developed at Stanford Research Institute International and used in the U.S. military for providing highly classified intelligence information. 

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What is CRV?

Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) is a method of collecting otherwise unavailable information through a structured use of intuitive or mental means.  It was used by the U.S. military to provide the information to bring home captured military personnel, uncover the plans and intentions of foreign military and governmental leaders, and gain intelligence on foreign R&D.  It is used today in the civilian arena for business, police, agency, R&D, medical diagnostic, and personal applications.

What we teach in this course

This is an in-depth course that provides you with the firmest foundation for all the remote viewing work you will ever do.  It is a serious course, meant to take you from rank beginner to the level where you can become highly proficient in the skill and practice of successful remote viewing. 

Your instructor

Lyn Buchanan was one of the remote viewers and trainers in the U.S. military's remote viewing unit for 8 1/2 years before his retirement.  He is now owner and executive director of Problems Solutions Innovations (PSI), a remote viewing training and service company based in New Mexico.  Please take a look at my webpage for free practice targets, analogies, terminology, and other information:  

What this course is about.

This is a brief explanation of what this course is and isn't in order tor you to judge whether or not you want to proceed.


Why take this or any training course when there's so much out there for free?

The cost of this course is normally $1197, it includes over 160 videos and weekly, live face-to-face time with your instructor via weekly webinars. From time to time, there are special holiday discounts.


Sign up for the course

This sign-up gives you permanent access to the videos and webinars for your repeated review and deeper understanding as you gain real-world experience in CRV.


50% Complete

Two Step

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