The special application of remote viewing that was used in the U.S. military for predicting future events and planning future actions accordingly is now available for personal use in the civilian arena.

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What is Associative Remote Viewing?


What is ARV?

Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) is a specialized application of remote viewing that is used for predicting the future outcome of any event where there is a limited number of possible outcomes. It was used in the U.S. military for predicting future world events and planning accordingly.  It is now available in the civilian arena and used by police, stock market investors, even for such things as predicting the gender of a child, a roll of the roulette wheel, a business choice, etc.  It is a valuable asset for planning for the future.

The theory and use behind the ARV process

There are many things in remote viewing and, in fact, any psychic work, which are extremely difficult to view with dependable accuracy.  ARV >>associates<< easy to view targets with the difficult ones and then the viewing is done on the easy targets, getting the answers to the difficult questions according to that association.

What we teach in this course

There are dozens of home-made and great sounding ARV methods being offered, but they don't all work.  This course teaches you a full understanding of the ARV process in order to keep you from wasting time, money, work, and having disappointments by selecting the unsuccessful methods being offered.  This is a course in the full fundamentals of ARV, itself, not just another method.

Your instructor

Lyn Buchanan was one of the remote viewers and trainers in the U.S. military's remote viewing unit for 8 1/2 years before his retirement.  He is now owner and executive director of Problems Solutions Innovations (PSI), a remote viewing training and service company based in New Mexico.  Please take a look at my webpage for free practice targets, analogies, terminology, and other information:  

Why take this or any training course when there's so much out there for free?


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This sign-up gives you permanent access to the videos for your repeated review and deeper understanding as you gain real-world experience in ARV.


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